Ranking at the top of the SERPs for "Caribbean Cruise" is still a deal breaker, but there's no reason you can't hit the top of Google search results for a long-tail variation of a Banner Design trophy phrase. . Advertising Continue reading below Switching gears, let's say you're writing a music blog and want to cash in on an upcoming event; the Grammy Awards. A click on trending will yield top Google questions, top most searched new artists, and even questions related to the Grammys host – like “how old is James Corden”? But you want to go deeper and find really insightful content. Try using tip 3 to find related queries creating Google Trends, but don't Banner Design stop there. Cross-reference these queries with each other (tip 2) to get proper context and uncover what's at the core of customers' curiosity. 10. Use data for video optimization Showing related topics — not just related queries — can help you better optimize your video content for search. Let's say you posted a video on how to get Caribbean cruise discounts.
Enter your search term. Switch from web search Banner Design to YouTube search . See related queries and topics . Sort by Top or Rising - if you prefer. Advertising Continue reading below From there, you'll find that people search for cruises based on ship classes, not just Banner Design by searching the ships themselves. Armed with this knowledge, you are in a better position to write relevant titles and descriptions. This improves your chances of capturing YouTube traffic as the cruise season progresses. You may even decide to create a series of videos (or blog content) explaining the different ship classes available on your cruise line. 11. Use Cyclical Trends for Banner Design Brand Positioning Let's say you're optimizing for a bridal shop. Has interest in weddings been impacted by COVID-19? A simple search for “wedding” over the past 5 years reveals that interest in weddings declined in mid-2020, but rebounded. Historically, interest in weddings has been fairly even, year-round. How to Use \
Google Trends for SEO From there, you can glean that wedding plans are back on track regardless of the pandemic, and historically don't compete with the holidays. Advertising Continue reading below That's not to say the weddings themselves are the same as a Banner Design year ago. This will require further research. 12. Identify blind spots and don't misinterpret trends Advanced use of Google Trends means you'll go beyond what you think your current view is to see if you have any blind spots. For instance: Never trust a single snapshot. Always have a broader view of a timeline to see what else is going on. Is an uptrend in a keyphrase still overshadowed by more Banner Design important ones? Always look for the context. While researching weddings for 8, I encountered a drastic increase in YouTube trends for weddings during the summer of 2017—much larger than previous summers—that nearly quadrupled previous interest. Further research could not identify a specific keyword except to show a drastic increase in interest in South Asian weddings. This geographically oriented trend is a prime example of unique insight that comes from endless research to understand the context.