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In 2 ABY, he accompanied Leia Organa on a diplomatic mission to the Circarpous system, where they crash landed on the planet of Mimban. On Mimban, Skywalker and Organa encountered a Force-sensitive old woman named Halla. They struck a deal with her, promising to find the Kaiburr crystal if she promised to aid them in their escape off the planet. However, Darth Vader was also looking for the powerful Kaiburr crystal. Both in pursuit of the powerful Force relic, Skywalker and Vader dueled in the ancient Temple of Pomojema. Every movement of Skywalker was guided by the spirit of Kenobi and empowered by the crystal, so the young man amazingly managed to hold Vader off, even managing to sever the Dark Lord's mechanical arm. Shocked, Vader tumbled down a deep pit, ending their duel.[63]
Furious at the threat, Skywalker viciously attacked, wielding the full power of Djem So, and eventually cut off the Sith Lord's right hand, nearly killing Vader. Palpatine then demanded he finish Vader and take his place at his side. Luke, however, threw his lightsaber away, realizing that he was becoming what he sought to destroy. He declared himself a Jedi, just as Anakin Skywalker had been before him. Enraged, the Emperor unleashed Force lightning against Skywalker to torture and eventually kill the young Jedi.[10]
Skywalker commanded an Alliance mission to the Bakura system, which was under siege by a strange alien race, the Ssi-ruuk, which used the life force of their captives to power their technology. There Skywalker and Organa negotiated a temporary truce between the Rebel and Imperial forces to help fight off the invasion. Skywalker encountered a young Bakuran senator, Gaeriel Captison, and they eventually developed a mutual attraction for each other, but parted ways after the mission was complete. During the mission, Skywalker was infected with Olabrian trichoid parasites by the treacherous Imperial governor Wilek Nereus and was also taken prisoner by the Ssi-ruuk. With the aid of Dev Sibwarra, a Force-sensitive Human serving the Ssi-ruuk, Skywalker was able to escape the Ssi-ruuk, disable their ship, and win the battle. Skywalker later dictated the terms of surrender to Wilek Nereus for the Bakurans to have their freedom to choose their governing authority. The discovery of Dev Sibwarra during the Invasion of Bakura fueled Skywalker's conviction for finding others like him in the galaxy. Palpatine and Vader's purge was not absolute. Surely, he believed, there were Force-users that had escaped the dark times.[77]
During his time as a squad commander, another young rebel named Vila arrived on the forest moon demanding that Luke train her so that she could save her homeworld of Naldar. Luke's convictions held strong, and although he promised to help Vila he would not train her. Luke's fear of training new Jedi was tested on Naldar where he came into conflict with Flint, another young man that he had refused to train.[80] Flint had become the Dark Lord of the Sith under Lumiya and was leading Imperial forces on Naldar.[81] Luke fought the Dark Lord and realized that his refusal to train Flint had actually created evil instead of preventing it. Luke was able to make Flint realize how lost he had become, but the ensuing battle claimed the life of Vila. Flint was put in Alliance custody, and a Force vision with Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker made Luke realize that he should no longer be afraid of the dark side. Luke decided to take up Kiro's request to be trained as a Jedi Knight, and Kiro became Luke's first apprentice.[80]
Luke and Admiral Ackbar would later that year journey to Dac to stop Trioculus from obtaining the Glove of Darth Vader from the ocean depths. Luke was able to defeat Trioculus' attacks and destroyed his ally, but Trioculus managed to escape with the glove.[91] Luke, advised by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, then sought out the Lost City of the Jedi on Yavin IV. In the Lost City, he discovered a young boy named Ken, alleged to have been a Jedi Prince. However, Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side Kadann declared that Ken was a threat to Trioculus' rule of the Empire and tried to find and destroy him. What Luke didn't know was that this Kadann was an imposter, and Trioculus was a puppet set up by Grand Moff Hissa and the rest of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs.[92] Although the false Kadann managed to capture Ken, Luke helped Ken escape, and then trapped the false Kadann and his troops in the Lost City after ensuring that they could not recover the lost information stored in a computer. Luke and Ken then left the moon.[93] Luke later aided in the escape of Ken's father, Triclops, from an asylum on Duro.[94] The threat of the false Kadann was later stopped by Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati.[source?]
In 8 ABY, Leia Organa was being courted by the Hapan prince Isolder for her hand in marriage. In response, Han Solo abducted Leia and escaped with her to an unknown planet. The galaxy was scandalized by the apparent kidnapping involving two of the Rebellion's most famous figures. Luke naturally started investigating and found some Hapan investigators roughing up Drackmarian warlord Omogg. He stopped them and, as a reward, was given the name and location of the planet Han had won in a sabacc game from Omogg and where he was taking Leia: Dathomir. Luke and R2-D2 traveled with Isolder on the Song of War to Dathomir, where he faked his death and, using the Force, controlled his descent through the atmosphere. During their adventures on Dathomir, Luke taught Isolder the principles of the Force, despite Isolder having negligible Force-sensitivity. On this planet, Luke discovered the ruins of the Chu'unthor, an ancient Jedi training vessel and an entire Force-sensitive culture of witches. Luke was seen as a rarity among the Dathomiri as there were not any male "witches." One of the young witches, Teneniel Djo, was at first attracted to Luke, but she later developed an interest in Isolder and would eventually marry him. Luke decided to aid Teneniel Djo's clan of witches, the Singing Mountain Clan, against the dark side users on Dathomir, the Nightsisters. In this battle, he was nearly killed by their leader, Gethzerion, but healed himself in only a few hours using the Force. He then went on to pilot the Millennium Falcon, operating all of its systems by himself, using the power of the Force to greatly enhance the effectiveness of the ship, and rescued Han from certain death at the hands of Gethzerion. Using the Falcon, Luke shot down Gethzerion's shuttle, killing her and all aboard, and disabled the orbital nightcloak placed in orbit by Zsinj.[36]
Sidious, in his last clone body, then took his new flagship, the Eclipse II, to Onderon to claim the body of young Anakin Solo. Luke and his Jedi companions boarded the ship, but Sidious was gone. R2-D2 then sent the ship on a collision course with the Galaxy Gun. Meanwhile, Sidious found Leia and Han on the surface, but Luke and his companions arrived there to aid them. A vicious duel broke out which left Rayf Ysanna dead and Empatojayos Brand mortally wounded. However, Han Solo shot Sidious in the back. As the dark spirit flew toward Anakin, Brand clasped it and took the menace of Sidious with him unto death.[105]
Unfortunately for Skywalker, shortly thereafter, the entire ship received an information broadcast from Mingla's captors, detailing her imminent trial and execution for sabotage. He and C-3PO immediately began searching out Mingla's location, but encountered a group of Sand People, who pursued him. However, a hatch lock had malfunctioned and opened, allowing him to escape through it and secure his escape by sealing it behind him and C-3PO. As time ran out for Mingla, Skywalker enlisted the aid of a group of indoctrinated Affytechans and they located a pair of light transports in one of the hangars, which he planned on using for the purposes of escaping. However, once again, he was found by the Sand People and, just as before, only escaped thanks to a series of doors opening and closing just in time for him to slip through. While hiding in a room, he was looking at himself in the reflection of a monitor screen when he saw the pale image of a young woman in the screen behind them, though there was nobody else there.[38]
Skywalker soon discovered the divide in the populace of Nam Chorios: the younger inhabitants, the Newcomers, who largely dwelt in the cities and towns, sought to open the world to wider interplanetary trade. However, another segment of the populace, known as the Oldtimers, insisted that the status quo be maintained, for unknown reasons. Nam Chorios turned out to be quite different from his expectations. The planet was infested with small biting insects known as drochs and Skywalker soon found that using the Force caused ground lightning storms. Instead, he made his way to the largest city, Hweg Shul and, via an acquaintance of Scraf's, learned that Callista had arrived on Nam Chorios eight months prior. While in Hweg Shul, though, he sensed the presence of another Jedi and went to investigate. In a desiccated alleyway, Skywalker found the dwelling of the ancient Taselda, a human female who had once been a Jedi Knight. Taselda told him that she had been teaching Callista in the ways of the Force, but was challenged by a Force-sensitive Hutt named Beldorion who exerted considerable influence in Hweg Shul and had driven Taselda to hiding. Skywalker initially offered to retrieve Taselda's lightsaber from Beldorion, whom she said had taken it, but later recognized that she had been using him, to the point of slipping a mood-enhancing drug in his drink.Returning to confront her, he was ambushed by a group of street youths who were under Taselda's influence. Resolving not to use the Force for fear of inciting another ground lightning storm, Luke was rescued by a pair of local constables, Snaplaunce and Grupp, who dispersed the youths and responded to his inquiries about Callista by telling him that she had gone into the wilderness some time ago.[114] 781b155fdc